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第51章 Walk with you all my life

  missinglikharp blade, thomy heartvery painful, very painful thinkhim, maybethis time, really neeersontalk around,give the heartfort

  the days without you, the sky was dark, shut the door, a man hidingthe house, leaninga small coer, beating somepieceswritingthis lonely time, therestill something called “words“ acpanied me, i did not fetwalk through the text

  writing has always beenfavoriton't have much mental position recentleel very narroead some philosophical words, buan't understand anything somehow, that passion seemshave disappeared who has been holding books all day long who read the beautiful essaythe bus whowhothe bookstore reading bookan't imagine myself walking noike the costume drama, and the latest popular entertainment program “good voicechina“ i can keep theset alive without going out all day lifegetting poor,the spiritthe poor, inner emptiness,short, a lackpower, lacka pioneering spirit shoulhange myself shoulhink aboutlife should notso mediocre, life shouldmeaningful can you givecourage

  in autumn, i like walkingthe park, smelling the fragranceosmanthus, thinking about your face, how beautifulis remember,hand through the efforts, now busy days always haunt you pace,that you can not touch me, unablestaymy side look up, lookat the blue sky, there are white clouds drifting, see the birds flyingthe sky,this time, you know how mucnvy theanthavairwings, can fly freely, flyingwhere you are

  once, accidentally, those beautiful days slipped away from the side now, thinkit, still awakedreamnderstand that lovethe most beautiful time with you every minute! glorynot whaant, luxurynot whaove, but whaantjusife with you

  can you sinong, can eaeal and you, and you can renewold, can watcovie with you, and you can listenthe same song,isgreat joove holding your hand,tusy coer, walked into the fashion shop, wearing different stylesclothes, the first timeto let you givea reference, you always smiled and said:“my wifegood, whatwear“ i know you are makinghappy, butill likehear you say something that pleasebefore, always thought that shopping with girlsacpany, and now thinka boyfriend, better than anythingwondercolleagues would say thatzhongseqingyoopefriends can understand me!

  as longyou, the house againhome,should all belongoypequiet!be exact, you aruiet man, andwomanall walkslifan reada noisy environment, an*****soiuiet coer always liketalk with you, foong time not snugglein your arms, good memoriesthe warmth you give thinkthe books you downloadedme, arefavorite, thank you! i've been focusingsome philosophical things lately, anhink it's really interestinerson's mood depends entirelyhisher statemind recently, i reaotbuddhist ethical stories, which inspireddeeply and benefiteoeally wantrelyyour warm shoulder, really wanttell you somemy experience can you spare timee back withdear, i havotwordssayyou, ino longehild, i will bee more mature, i willyour favorite woman!

  once, accidentally, those beautiful days slipped away from the side now, thinkit, still awakedreamnderstand that lovethe most beautiful time with you every minute! glorynot whaant, luxurynot whaove, but whaantjusife with you can you sinong, can eaeal and you, and you can renewold, can watcovie with you, and you can listenthe same song,isgreat joy

  i love holding your hand,tusy coer, walked into the fashion shop, wearing different stylesclothes, the first timeto let you givea reference, you always smiled and said:“my wifegood, whatwear“ i know you are makinghappy, butill likehear you say something that pleasebefore, always thought that shopping with girlsacpany, and now thinka boyfriend, better than anythingwondercolleagues would say thatzhongseqingyoopefriends can understand me!longyou, the house againhome,should all belongoypequiet!be exact, you aruiet man, andwomanall walkslifan reada noisy environment, an*****soiuiet coer

  always liketalk with you, foong time not snugglein your arms, good memoriesthe warmth you give thinkthe books you downloadedme, arefavorite, thank you! i've been focusingsome philosophical things lately, anhink it's really interestinerson's mood depends entirelyhisher statemind recently, i reaotbuddhist ethical stories, which inspireddeeply and benefiteoeally wantrelyyour warm shoulder, really wanttell you somemy experience can you spare timee back withdear, i havotwordssayyou, ino longehild, i will bee more mature, i willyour favorite woman!

  once, i wasfrontyou witemper, crying, shouting unfortable, and noanttell you, ino longer that ignorant little girill rationally face all the things that life givesi have some bad problems, has always beeeedchange, i thinhould leaput down, should lea tolerance, should leaimprovise the unhappy daysthe past are duethe fact that there are too many things that can'tputthe heart

  gradually, i leaed tolerance, leaunderstand, lea tolerancethe realmlove, more tolerance, more warmth really wantuselove has been warm you! i becamenervous these days thaidn't know why the exam was goingmakeheartup and dowind that whao, the more nervouet, the worseally wantdo it, butheart can'tcalm hope that this exam can pass smoothly, look forward to! i reallynot wantlet you down, i really wantbe with you, i really wantacpany you every day

  near october, inot know what kindfeeling, i thinkshouldexcited, shouldexpected, shouldhappy, shouldhappy, shouldwarm! howfulfilream, likondensed wish, think painteerioant youacpanya long jouey,a strange city, put aside all distracting thoughts, unload all the burden, happyenjoy our good dayon't know why you don't like traveling, but i'layful child

  have you ever played with you, remember but always can not find the kindhappy happiness, the heartalways missing something becausnow, without you, eveni standthe summitthe mountain, i can't feel the world's vastness because you are the elementmy happiness!this life, i just wanthold your hand forward! letforeverthe generation after generation!
