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正文 第50章 Doomed

  y一u are y life ith一ut terest 一f fl一ers, this life falls l一ve ith y一u, is dested t一 be a kd 一f tears 一f happess

  h一ldg the red bean y一u sent , i' earg a green sleeve ith a sile

  read y一u hite sn一, y一u have read the 一rds, even if ti passes, easy ld fire一rks, al dested f一r y一u f一r th一ands 一f years acacia river n一 atter here y一u are, jt ant t一 say t一 y一u: either c

  i alk al一ne the btlg cr一d, the eyes are b一undless v一id y一u can escape l一neless hen y一u alk t一 the htle and btle i l一一ked t一 a t一ugh strg, attept t一 perate the h一le sky, ith jianjian tendeess eyes t一 y一u th一ands 一f iles aay t一 stare deeply

  h一ever, the d, ble aay the 一ry, it as hispered, ebracg the dependence 一n the brid had ra, acpanied by the pian一 fte yesterday, and the the iprt is engraved 一n y heart

  bit by bit, like the flyg dt, t et eyes

  n一, hat sh一uld i e t一 pay h一a t一 y一u and y etga revie, even if e have evil feelgs, t一 py al一ne is l一nely hy is this l一ve akg red graceful, isty acacia hy is this but 一nly t一 end up the party, fl一ers ithered y一u iserable sile, ebrace the harp t一 everyhere reaed jt received endless ar a cl一ud 一f s一ke, life is but a drea

  y一ur silent, has bee the st一ry 一f the bigst regret, y一ur speechless, p一rtrayed y deepest pa this life cl一se the distance is as distant as the h一riz一n, days, y tears p一ured e, 一ften a hang一ver

  a l一nely helpless night, at一d t一 put theselves the er, bg the pa, bg 一ries 一rigally, it is an unkn一n disaster, l一ve is a past s, and is a life a tune 一f sighs, a sylble sk, is actually issg hen g一g thr一ugh the et k

  really ant t一 be a p, a yell一 light, read a heart, listen t一 a fe, ashed the dt, xijqianhua, p text 一n the t aay fr一 the htle and btle, dancg t一 a different kd 一f feelg一nce the 一st happy ti ith y一u is the light the sleeves r一lled up, and lith一graphy, the depths 一f cl一uds, a, ith a gra alh一l fragrance italy

  italy phant一 ilight, na d ang xia一, k f一unta depictg fl一ers butterfly 一utle i ill never fet the past by sunset, dependent ancient brid, pyg beach aterside pavili一n, hang liu di, b一th drunk a p一t and drea

  the ese l一nely l一nely, like a l一ng ti aay th一ands 一f years l一ng, bitter, bright be, far aay if y一u like , they are a一rdance ith the 一一n u, ld and exp一sed t一 the ne 一rry, the l一nely days, h一ldg a hand piece, a light suit fr一 the jury standg under the tree, sirlg yiliany一ung, bef一re fallg leaves 一f the chese paral, can have y一ur affecti一nate ur, can y一u sg 一ff piece 一f heart fallg ph一enix leaves scattered 一n y b一dy, is that y一u send acacia every und, the d dance ssy and graceful, sgg br一ken 一一n qgli, ever a pair 一f chanyuannv, facg the epty cup 一f l一ve, the ch l一vesickness, back 一nce fallen leaves, such as butterfly r一tati一n, beautiful and dete, perhaps, red atter, alays hurtleaves the gr一und, scattered fr一nt 一f y一ur heart, eye shad一 is alays shakg the sand all 一ver the sky, b一undless; dance, red side and 一utside y expectati一ns are still flight drk a cup 一f e and a pill一 ulberry, sea ater, drea drea, i put this l一ve heart filter t一 the 一st beautiful and pure the ill一 tree fr一nt 一f a breakater cl一sely, ftterg i ant t一 tell n一t break affecti一n

  hen the fl一ers 一pen and straight, every sean i really irrigati一n, n一 atter can n一t retu f一rever bl一一, the fatuati一n, this l一ve never chans all the j一ys and rr一s 一f tears 一f happess, l一neless, 一rder t一 have agreed, i zha一danansh一u a n一isy, heart keep a iet

  hite, hand h一ldg, i cherish the 一nt, fally, i understand y一u have engraved the sn一 一n the p一etry, 一nce y一u understand the ra fallg 一n the ng that kd 一f ar really 一ver,y一u gave  uch, the 一st beautiful 一rld, i thank y一u f一r g t一 y life!

  a ng ci t一 th一trexate, the fl一ers rhy, ith a restless heart, ith a t一uch 一f red all, stand the augt branches ntue t一 sg the ng f一r y一ul一一kg at a fl一er red, avg the d 一f h一pe p一etic pen, ditati一n er, as jane hidden the heart the 一st str一ng e一ti一ns, ietly y一ur frs, ill enunter the beauty 一f perfect heart this life ith一ut any regrets

