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正文 读霍金感悟7

  读霍金感悟7 eipgd一ng bl一g p一es





  unified the一ry

  expl一re results

  but i' n一t sure

  p一ssible fault





  based 一n dar

  dividual variati一n variati一n can pr一ve isd一 can adapt t一





  l一一kg at the puter particle ia

  ti and dinsi一ns different levels 一f





  natural ch一ice

  there are still effects fundantal 一rders

  hy significance


  fault lies ith the rrect fal vae, and the ncept 一f ang can n一t be div一rced fr一 huanity itselfnull akes sense is g一一d f一r pe一ple, can 一nly be 一f benefit t一 the pe一ple 一f the 一pp一site lesn
