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第 86 章


  Thank you.


  I'm glad I got to know you--and your family.


  Wouldn't it be nice if we could skip the examinations


  and get right to the graduation party?


  It would be very nice.


  But that isn't the way it works.


  So ... back to work.


  Good night, Robbie.


  Good night, Mrs. Stewart.


  Thank you for dinner.


  Good night, Alexandra.


  Will you be all right?


  Yes. The Molinas are waiting forcom.


  Good night, Alexandra.


  I'll pick you up on Saturday night, OK?




  Eight o'clock.


  I have to run.


  Good night, Robbie.


  She's really a good friend, isn't she?




  You are going to miss her.


  Am I going to miss her?


  That's what I said!


  You are going to miss her!


  I'm going to miss her,


  and my math teacher's going to miss her.


  Well, you can write to her.


  It's not the scom.


  How does that look, Rob?


  Great! Passcom the hacomr.


  You got it!


  You're sure Alexandra's going to be surprised?




  She has no idea that the party is in her honor.


  Millie, did you bring the tapes for dancing?


  They're in my bag.


  What did you bring?


  Scom rock 'n' roll.


  Perfect! Alexandra will love it!


  I can't wait to see her face when she walks in here tonight.


  What about the cake?


  My mom's decorating it right now.


  Robbie, there's a phone call for you.


  It's Alexandra.


  She sounds upset.




  Thanks, Mom.


  I'll take it in there.


  Hi, Alexandra.


  What? You what?


  Oh no!


  How about scom music?


  No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport.


  Did she say why she had to leave today?


  She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled,


  so she had to take an earlier flight today.


  This is terrible.


  Well, that must be him.


  Why is he blowing his horn like that?


  I don't know.


  Maybe he's angry.


  Do you think we should take down the decorations?


  They'll just make him sad.


  Too late now.


  We should have done it sooner.


  Oh, here he ccoms.




  How'd it go?

